Human Behavior Prediction
Human behavior is highly unpredictable. Every reaction is a result of a prediction using information stored from the time the embryo was formed or may be even from the beginning of universe.
Have you thought about why two human beings react so differently for the same input provided. Have you thought about you discussing with other human beings about why the person reacted in certain way and some agreeing why it is so and some disagreeing to it.
They are all very complex predictions happening because of how that person have interacted with its environment and the kind of feedback it would have received.
You can say guiding a child in certain way will make the kid grow up as a better human being. How do you know that? You don’t know what information the kid has acquired so far. You don’t know how the kid will digest your feedback. You don’t know what information he or she is getting from different humans and objects around them including videos , pictures and any other information source like even plants. If you don’t know, why do you question something as right or wrong.
Every single trigger i had in my lifetime which let me out of the way were things which majority would have never approved. Those same triggers could have led to very different reactions on others, so generalization is stupidity.
Instincts are some random thoughts which people think can make a difference. When you do it different, there will be so many people around you whose minds are trained to be in a specific way who will resist.
When was excellence born with normality? Excellence is about deviating from the normal path. Try something different, do something out of the norm. Explore and Excel.