One big Challenge to AI — Lack of Imperfection
Machines are perfect and predictable. That makes them boring as well.
Humans are known for imperfections. Any two human that does the same task , will for sure do it in a some difference no matter how much instructions are given.
Let’s take driving as an example. Whenever I drive to my office, there is a left line which will initially feel crowded but once vehicles turn left, that line will be the fastest line. Almost everyday, most of the human drivers end up in middle line and I happily take the left line. Such small joys is what we will lose to machines. Machines will look at efficiency and all cars would have equally distributed using the best possible efficiency algorithms.
Humans will lose sane as they start losing such small joys. The psychological effects of AI is overlooked and may be the biggest challenge humans will have to face. If AI tried to introduce such imperfections, it would irritate humans as they know these are machines and the joy turns to stress. Humans know machine could have done it right, so introducing such imperfections won’t help.
Another such example is when I travel with my friend in airport. He does the TSA pre check and he is so happy when he skips the lines. Imagine if everything is automated, there won’t be any lines to skip, there won’t be any special checks as everyone will be checked by advanced AI. We would think such efficiency will bring joy but we are overlooking the effect of eliminating imperfections in life.
Imperfections is what makes a Human a human, AI will give us a hard time on this.